I Don’t Exist…I LIVE

Exist: to have actual being; to be real

Live: to be alive; to continue to be alive

Alive: having life, living, not dead; continuing to exist; not yet defeated, still having a chance to win or succeed

The first weekend of this year, I did something that was slightly out the box for me and went kayaking at Wekiva Springs, a natural freshwater spring system in north central Florida.

Why was that out of the box, but only slightly? I went kayaking when I was in high school, but I cannot, to this day still, swim.

So why did I go? It was something different for me and some friends convinced me to try it out. And I have to say that I enjoyed it. But what made the day amazing was the simple fact that I was trying something and experiencing a new world around me. The sheer beauty of the nearly untouched natural freshwater system was stunning and made me realize how much I have missed in my life.

As people, we spend so much time working office jobs or pursuing money at least, paying bills, and going through the routine of everyday life without any type of emotional change. Day in and day out, we can almost predict our routine and do it with our eyes shut (although I recommend you drive with your eyes open).

My point is, often we drift through life, merely existing. Yes we are living because God gives us breath each day to make it through, but are we ALIVE?

Check the definitions again. Alive means to not be defeated? But aren’t we admitting that we aren’t alive when we admit defeat through the constant moaning of our jobs, our families, our burdens of responsibilities, etc? Doesn’t that alone point out that we are dead in our hearts? We deserve to find moments where we can TRULY come alive, simply because we did something different.

And that’s what I want to do this year. I don’t want my year to be marked only by advancements and achievements in the workplace, but by those moments that rob me of my breath, that take me beyond myself and outside the normal realm of myself. Like kayaking through nature, watching the turtles swim and bask in the sun, the occasionally alligator watching from the riverbank, and the vigorous full-body workout I got.

Now, you don’t have to be extreme and do crazy things if that’s not you. But think; when was the last time you just jumped in the car with a friend or two and took a drive somewhere for the day (gas is below $2, so you can actually drive somewhere these days!)? Or the last time you maybe enjoyed a great dinner with someone special, whether a family member or a close friend? When was the last time you tried something new that you have always wanted to do? Where are those moments in your day-to-day activities? Do they exist? Can you say you have those memories?

I have a few from last year I still treasure: participating in my five 5K race (and getting colorful and dirty in the process), trying a new restaurant with two of my best friends, driving down to Miami/Fort Lauderdale for a wedding and spending the day laughing and reflecting on college days, going to Tampa Bay Busch Gardens and watching my mother get soaked on a water ride.

What can you say you did? And what will you say you did when 2015 ends?

“Are you LIVING or are you just EXISTING!?!?”