Breakthrough in the Breakroom

Isaac Carree is one of my favorite singers. I love his crazy runs that he does vocally and the upbeat, contemporary beats he sings over.

There is a song on his debut album, Uncommon Me, that I like called “Shout” that is a hype, jazzy song. But there is a quick line that he sings that stands out to me: “Get your praise on in the break room, because that’s where you’ll get your breakthrough.”

That line stands out because I sit back and think about a breakroom; that place, that space where it is suppose to be quiet, where you can steal away from the world for a moment, a break and recollect yourself, refresh and relax.

Hmmm…too bad there are no real life breakthroughs in life…are there?

*He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10*

The key part of that verse is “Be still.” What does that mean? A lot of times, people think that means “Don’t move, don’t do anything, wait for God to make the next move.” And there are right, to an extent. But being still doesn’t mean doing COMPLETELY NOTHING.

Try this; stand completely still for 30 seconds.

Were you completely still? Maybe you didn’t move physically, but I bet you blinked a couple times, your heart kept beating, you kept a steady breath. You were still, but you were still doing something.

Same with God. When He said be still and know that He is God, he didn’t mean not to do anything. Just like retreating to a break room, that’s the time to relax and refresh yourself before facing the next challenge of the day. When God says to be still, He wants you to use that time to reconnect with Him and let Him guide you to the next step. And in that moment, He will get the glory, the honor and the praise.

In the quiet of a break room, you may think about what you have to do next and come up with ideas on how to next tackle what is coming. And sometimes, these ideas may come out of nowhere, seemingly. Same thing happens when you are with God; spending that quiet time with Him and He will speak clearly about where you need to go next.

So, take a break and get ready to breakthrough!